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Thank you, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, for speaking truth to power again, and again, and again. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/metro/wasted+million+failed+aboriginal+child+welfare+reforms+child/9133170/story.html

Who is responsible for sexual assault?

Thankfully a male voice of reason.  See http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/06/opinion/whitaker-women-drinking-rape/index.html?hpt=hp_t4 and offer your comments.

UBC Sauder / Commerce Undergraduate Society News of Importance to the UBC Community Nov 4, 2013

These two articles were published today (Nov 4, 2013) in the Vancouver Sun and The Province, respectively. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/commerce+students+reject+hire+assault+counsellor/9119883/story.html http://www.theprovince.com/news/rape+chant+commerce+students+reject+sexual+assault/9119330/story.html Why do you think Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS) recommended funding this position?  Was that the right decision by CUS and Sauder leadership? Why do you think the CUS student body rejected this recommendation so resoundingly?  Are […]

<img width="125" height="100" src="https://vip.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2013/09/Prostitute-image-David-Sifry-125x100.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" />

First of its kind: New York State Specialized Courts to Treat Most Sex Workers as Crime Victims, Not Criminals

Just published in both the NY Times and on NBCnews.com. From the NY Times story:  “Mr. Banks, of the Legal Aid Society, said in an interview that the new system was ‘an extremely important step forward nationally’ to set up courts where people accused of prostitution and prostitution-related offenses can be connected to programs that […]

Military Sexual Slavery – Necessary??????

What does this article say about entrenched attitudes and about the intersections of violence, violence prevention, human rights, armed conflict and human rights?  Should Canada respond, and if so, how? http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/14/18245613-japanese-mayor-wwii-comfort-women-sex-slaves-necessary-for-morale?lite

<img width="125" height="100" src="https://vip.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2013/03/women-holding-globe-125x100.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" />

International Women’s Day – Let’s Celebrate!

Today marks the 102nd year of International Women’s Day. Below are links to articles and posts about gender geography, inspirational women,and ending violence against women . Please set aside some time today to acknowledge and celebrate women’s achievements and reflect on the necessary changes still need for gender equality. Don’t forget the key theme this […]

South Africa should follow India in acting to end violence against women

India has been commended for acting quickly in protesting and advocating for an end to violence against women. The article below suggests that South Africa should follow India in their approach and grassroots efforts. What are your thoughts? Article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/editorials/south-africa-should-follow-india-in-acting-to-end-violence-against-women/article8951706/

<img width="125" height="100" src="https://vip.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2013/02/india_05_by_mechiz-d4jzxvr-125x100.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" />

3 girls found dead in India well; mother calls for culprits to be hanged

Three sisters were found dead on February 16, 2013 in a well in India. The mother of these girls is speaking out and has called for those responsible to be caught and publicly hanged. The three girls — aged 6, 9, and 11 — were allegedly raped. The past few months have highlighted the growing concern […]

One Billion Rising

One In Three Women On The Planet Will Be Raped Or Beaten In Her Lifetime. One Billion Women Violated Is An Atrocity. One Billion Women Dancing Is A Revolution. Join V-Day on 02.14.13 STRIKE, DANCE, RISE in your community & Demand an end to violence Join the One Billion Rising campaign today! Website: http://www.onebillionrising.org  

<img width="125" height="100" src="https://vip.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2012/12/police-125x100.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset="https://vip.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2012/12/police-125x100.jpg 125w, https://vip.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2012/12/police-360x287.jpg 360w, https://vip.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2012/12/police-940x751.jpg 940w, https://vip.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2012/12/police.jpg 1280w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 125px) 100vw, 125px" />

New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

For the past few weeks, news headlines have highlighted the frustration Indian nationals are feeling with regards to the increase in rape cases over the years as well as the manner in which police are handling these cases. Protests and outrage have been prompted over the gang-rape and beating of a 23-year-old woman on a moving […]

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