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HIST 403J (3 credits) – Seminar in the History of International Relations

Course Description:

This class will examine armed conflict in Southeast Asia from the eighteenth century to the present, largely from the perspective of inter-state relations and international law. Topics will include European imperial conquests, wars of national independence, the Japanese occupation, insurgencies against postcolonial states, and military regimes. Particular attention will be paid to Burma, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and East Timor. The course will consider cases of counterinsurgency warfare, genocide, and political repression. Topics of particular importance will be history writing, transnational justice, truth commissions, and reparations in the aftermath of conflict.

Course Link:


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

College of Health Disciplines
400-2194 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6G 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604 827-3304

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