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WMST 480 (3 credits) – Women as Agents of Change A Practicum in Women’s Studies

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to synthesize feminist theories with feminist activist work. Students will implement the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in Women’s Studies by participating in a community organization working to improve the social or cultural position of women, in Canada or globally. This course will provide experiential learning not available in the traditional classroom setting. This course is restricted to WMST majors and minors. Request an application form from grsj@exchange.ubc.ca.  This course is graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite are 6 credits from WMST 325, 326, 327, 328. Deadline for application is end of September.

Course Link:


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

College of Health Disciplines
400-2194 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6G 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604 827-3304

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