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Ending Violence Association of BC

EVA BC works to coordinate and support the work of victim-serving and other anti-violence programs in BC through the provision of issue-based consultation and analysis, resource development, training, research and education. Our work is guided by respect for difference, human dignity and equality. – EVA BC Mission Statement

Their mandate is to provide support and training, undertake research, develop and distribute resources and tools, educate the public and government bodies on the needs of victims of violence, develop and maintain standards for the provision of service, and foster the development of cross-sectoral coordination and collaboration.

Location: 1404 – 510 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1L8

Phone: 604-633-2506
Toll-free for members only: 1-877-633-2505
Fax: 604-633-2507

Website: http://www.endingviolence.org

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

College of Health Disciplines
400-2194 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6G 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604 827-3304

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