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Sexual Assault Service at Vancouver General Hospital

The information below is taken from the VGH Sexual Assault Service website: http://www.vch.ca/403/7676/?program_id=11289

What is the Sexual Assault Service?
We are a specially trained team of female nurses, nurse examiners, doctors and counsellors that provide care 24 hours a day.

Our services include assessment and treatment of injuries, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy prevention as well as forensic evidence collection and emotional support.

We also provide referrals to health, legal, and community-based support services.

Who can access this service? 
We offer medical care and emotional support to anyone 13 or older who has been sexually assaulted within the past seven days.

We welcome women, men, and trans-gendered survivors of sexual assault. We provide care to anyone living both within and outside of BC, including visitors from outside of Canada.

How do I access this service?
Go directly to the Vancouver General Hospital Emergency Department at 920 West 10th Avenue (near Broadway and Oak) in Vancouver, BC. Ask for the Sexual Assault Service. Our nurses and doctors are on-call 24 hours a day.

You are welcome to bring a friend, family member or support person with you to the hospital. We can also arrange for interpreters for people who have difficulty with English.

Female patients may arrange for a Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) Rape Crisis Centre counsellor to meet them at the hospital by calling (604) 255-6344.

Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) – Jim Pattison Pavilion
899 W 12th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C V5Z 1M9

Phone: 604.875.2881

E-mail: feedback@vch.ca

Parking and transport details:  Many bus routes outside of facility, paid parking

Wheelchair accessible? Yes.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

College of Health Disciplines
400-2194 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6G 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604 827-3304

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