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Edward H. Taylor PhD (Social Work)

Professional Research Interests

  • Early identification, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of serious mental disorders in children, teens, and young adults;
  • Relationships between childhood biological, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems and the onset of severe mental disorders in late adolescence and young adulthood;
  • Discovery of improved methods for assessing, predicting, treating, and preventing violence to self, others, and property by youths with serious mental disorders;
  • ·The assessment of social intelligence/social competence in children and adolescents with serious mental, emotional, or behavioral problems.

Current Research

  • Exploration of social cognitive development, social intelligence/social competence, and behavioral symptoms of children/teens with psychotic disorders;
  • A quasi-experimental study of how violent mentally ill youths differ in development, cognitive processing, behavior, social perceptions, and symptoms within and across diagnostic categories, and how violent children differ from non-violent youths matched for diagnosis, illness severity, age, and gender.

Website: http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/socialwork/faculty/edtaylor.html

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

College of Health Disciplines
400-2194 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6G 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604 827-3304

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