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Patricia Spittal PhD (School of Population and Public Health)

Patricia Spittal is committed to building the Global and Indigenous Health stream, which she co-chairs at the School of Population and Public Health with colleagues Drs. Nadine Caron and Shannon Waters. By extension this connects the work done in the stream at the School of Population and Public Health to the overall Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Group within the Faculty of Medicine at UBC. She received CIHR funds for a prospective HIV cohort in post conflict Northern Uganda; She has been working in the north since 1998 and feels that she is  finally giving back a small portion of what she have gained with her Ugandan colleagues. Recently an MOU was signed between the Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Uganda and UBC’s Faculty of Medicine. Currently two of her PhD. students are being mentored by faculty at Makerere and she would like to build on this partnership and encourage further student exchange between the two institutions.

Website: http://www.spph.ubc.ca/?p2=/modules/hce/faculties/faculty.jsp&fId=53

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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