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Patricia O’Reily PhD (Education)

Pat has taught at universities in Aotearoa-New Zealand, Canada, and the United States, in large urban centres, in remote northern communities and on First Nations reserves.  Her teaching is shaped by feminist, critical, anti-racist, poststructural and Indigenous theory and pedagogical practices that encourage cross-cultural, transdisciplinary, and international conversations of understanding and mutual respect.

Pat’s research has focused on encouraging more complex technology discourses in education by making affiliations with equity, social justice, Indigenous, other-than-human, and environmental contexts.  For over a decade Pat has been conducting research with the Stl’atl’imx communities in BC to support them in their cultural regeneration and reclamation of their traditional technological knowledges.  She has worked to advance these knowledges as equivalent conversations, rather than simply add-ons or alternatives to mainstream educational discourses.  This research is expanding to include work with Indigenous scholars and communities in Peru, Australia, Kenya and Nepal.

As the Co-chair of the Environmental Education Caucus, Pat is the lead proponent of the proposed graduate MA/MEd and PhD in Ecologies, Technologies and Indigeneity.

Is on the Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal of Environmental Education and the new on-line journal, Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society.

Pat received her BEd (Industrial Education) and MA in Curriculum Studies (Technology Education) at the University of British Columbia, and her PhD in Educational Policy & Leadership at The Ohio State University.

Website: http://edcp.educ.ubc.ca/faculty/pat-oriley

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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